

Diamonds Nior (Brake Down Fatty Acids)


Spring Water, Ginger and Tumeric
Available Products



The price for this product starts from $6.99

Nior Green (Alkalizes and Detoxes)


Spinach, Kale, Dandelion Greens, Cucumber, Celery, Green Pepper, Lemon, Ginger, Green Apples and Pineapple.

Blood Lust (Detox Blood, Builds Iron)


Beets, Carrots, Celery, Kale, Lemon, Ginger, Radish and Pineapple.

Skinny Chic (Fat Burner)


Grapefruit, Pinapple, Lettuce and Apricots.

Watermelon Kiss (Heart, Kidney Support)


Watermelon and Suger Kiss Melon

Sun Dream (Skin and Immunity)


Apples, Celery, Orange, Pears, Sweet Potatoe, Mango

Head Kisses (Migraines and Immunity)


Micro Greens, Kale, Celery, Cucumber, Pineapple, Lime and Ginger.